Member Based Organizations

Membership has its privileges, but it can also be a very bumpy road for the organization. Make no changes and you can be seen as stale and not providing value. Too many changes and you can create discomfort. Keeping 100% of members happy will never happen, and most people don’t expect to agree with an organization all of the time, but most want to feel listened to. They want to feel understood.

Gaining a true understanding of where members are can be a challenge. There are the loudest voices that chime in on either side of every decision, but the vast majority of members are silent. Leaving the organization to try to read the tea leaves on what this particular decision may or may not mean for the organization. Trendency works with our clients to engage with their membership throughout the year creating a feedback loop that benefits both the members and the organization.

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This approach creates the ability to recognize the effects that decisions are having on members, before they become a problem. It also allows the organization to test ideas before implementation and adapt accordingly. At the end of the day it helps members feel listened to and helps the organization learn from their members. 

Interested in hearing more? We are always happy to talk.