Company X



What seemed like a one-day news cycle for Company X quickly turned into a nightmare, with negative coverage becoming national within a few days. Company X needed to quickly understand how their customer base was reacting. In particular, they needed insight into how customer’s views were changing as the story continued to receive coverage and as the company worked to allay concerns for customers and non-customers alike.



Trendency worked with Company X to convene a panel of customers to get an initial understanding of their opinions on the situation. Company X also used the platform as a sounding board to better understand how customers would react to various approaches and changes Company X was considering.



Even though the negative news cycle continued over several weeks, Company X’s real-time understanding of their customer base allowed them to focus efforts more effectively on the public at large as well as toward potential customers.

By working with Trendency, Company X understood their current position with customers, including how shopping habits changed and evolved even as the negative news stories continued. Company X found that, after the negative cycle was over, their engagement with customers resulted in increased sales and better internal preparation for future negative events.